Install our app on your mobile device to access a host of helpful features on the go. Here's how to find and download the SumUp app. Install our apps SumUp appPOS Pro app The SumUp app is available for Android devices on the Google Play Store or iOS devices on the App Store. Your ...
Projectmigrated to AndroidX I. Integrate the SumUp SDK You can use the sample app provided in this repository as a reference 1. Dependency Add the repository to your gradle dependencies: allprojects { repositories { maven { url''} } } ...
To use Google Pay, first enable the Google Pay API by adding the following to the tag of your AndroidManifest.xml: ... For more details, see Google Pay’s Set up Google Pay API for Android. Then provide googlePay object in initPaymentSheet to init. ...
1.3. Connecting with Android devices To connect SumUp card reader to Android devices, make a test sale and select Sumup payment type. You will see an invitation to download the Sumup app. Tap ‘Download app’ button. You will be redirected toGoogle Play to SumUp app. Install the app to y...
steps to reproduce: build sample sdk application version 3.2.2 using android studio 3.6.3 install apk on banana pi m2 zero running android 4.4.2 open application, go to login screen. Enter an e-mail-address and a non-empty password obser...
Go to the Apple App Store (on iPhone) or Google Play (on Android). Type 'Wix' in the Search field. Click Get or Install to download the app. Tip: If you are accessing this article on your phone, you can click to download: iPhone Android ...