How often should you replace a sump pump? Sump pumps typically last around 10 years, but this can vary based on their usage, maintenance and quality. What is the most common reason for sump pump failure? The most common reasons include power failure, a stuck switch or a clogged intake, ...
What had to be a relative trickle of fuel through the stuck sump drain surprised me with a sputtering engine as it ran out of fuel. Sumped Sump plugs, or oil drain plugs as they're sometimes known, take the form of a bolt at the bottom of the sump pan which enables oil to be dra...
A simple installation provides a pump control float switch that turns on the backup pump only water in the pumping chamber reaches a level above that normally handled by the primary sump pump. This approach provides both pump backup and the ability to handle surges in building water entry loads...
he also added a float switch to control the pump, but found that the rapid cycle time made his measurements useless. Luckily the unit used a 555 timer to control the pump’s run time after triggering, so a simple calculation of the right RC values and a little solder job let him increa...
Sump pump normal operation: if the sump pump does not run when water lifts the float switch, or if the water level is high in the sump pit and the sump pump is not running, the system needs repair. The problem could be a clogged sump discharge line, stuck check valve, a failing or...
tripped breaker in electrical panel, blown fuse or tripped / failing GFCI outlet if used for circuit protection not responding floating switch (blocked / stuck in “down” position, damaged) damaged / jammed house sump pump impeller broken impeller shaft ...
that is capable of predicting or estimating one or more conditions of the sump pump system (e.g., water level in the basin, motor malfunction, stuck impeller, geyser effect, blocked outlet pipe, faulty level sensor/switch, faulty bearing, failure to engage pump at high-water mark, etc.) ...
Check out the float switch. The float switch is the sensor that tells the pump to activate when there is water. It rests on the water’s surface and lifts when the water rises to trigger the switch that turns on the pump. Check that the float and the arm are not stuck or tangled....
Every sump pit contains a “float switch.” The float switch works the same way as the float switch in your toilet (imagine that)—when the water level gets to a certain point, the pump activates to pump it up and out, away from your house. In other words, it’s a protection agains...
The amount of water in the sump pit may be too much for the sump pump to remove. If the pump is overwhelmed, it may be damaged. Switch failure When the water lifts the float ball, the float switch activates. Switch failure occurs when the float ball is stuck and is not activated by...