是SUMO 内部的时间(step-length决定了每个时间步对应的仿真秒数)。 例如:如果每个时间步对应 1 秒仿真时间,那么运行 100000 个时间步的仿真时间就是 100000 秒(27.78 小时)。 墙钟时间: 是实际程序运行的时间,由 SUMO 的运行速度(fps)决定。 例如:fps=32表示 SUMO 每秒可以模拟 32 个时间步,这显著加速了仿真...
用记事本方式打开类型为SUMO Configuration File的文件,并添加 <time> <step-length value="0.1"/>#sumogui上面的时间以0.1s的精度显示并变化 </time> 如图:
<step-length value="0.1"/> </configuration> 步骤四:仿真运行(.sumocfg.xml文件) ①在sumo-gui中打开.sumocfg.xml文件点击运行即完成基本操作。 ② 可借助闪电GIF软件出动图 ***附:若需获取仿真车流速度、交通量等交通属性,可在netedit中添加检测器 ①在netedit中打开路网 ② 在需要检测的位置添加e1Detec...
id id The id of the detector time s The time the event occured state The event type, see above vehID The id of the vehicle which is on the detector speed m/s The speed of the vehicle in this time step length m The length of the vehicle type The type of the vehicleName...
<configuration><net-filevalue="sanTaiZi.net.xml"/><route-filesvalue="sanTaiZi.rou.xml"/><additional-filesvalue="sanTaiZi.poly.xml"/><beginvalue="0"/><endvalue="100"/><step-lengthvalue="0.1"/></configuration> 9.在终端使用下面的命令运行sumo-...
There is a bicycle rack in front of the window, and you’re not allowed to step in between the bikes, so the experience will be at arm’s length. But otherwise it’s a pretty decent view, so long as not too many people are gathered. If you’re lucky, the rikishi will step outsi...
Process(target=traciLoop, args=(PORT, traciEndTime, i + 1, SUMOsteplength, steplengths[indexRange[i]])) procs = [multiprocessing.Process(target=traciLoop, args=(PORT, traciEndTime, i + 1, SUMOsteplength, steplengths[indexRange[i]])) for i in range(numClients)] for p in procs: ...
My next step was to start making my own music. Then, if I take acting classes I could become one of those popular Asian ‘Celebrities’ who do everything (Sing, Dance, Act). Oh! One catch is that you have to be Cute-sy/Girly! Don’t think they like tomboys like me… ah well!
--step-length 0.1: Each frame should advance by 0.1s, rather than the default of 1s. This results in smoother animation. Development SUMO-Web3D is written in Python (Python3) and TypeScript. To get going, we recommend setting up a Python virtual environment: ...
//sumo.dlr.de/xsd/sumoConfiguration.xsd"> <net-file value="111.net.xml"/> <route-files value="111.rou.xml"/> <additional-files value="111.det.xml"/> <begin value="0"/> <report> <verbose value="true"/> <no-step-log value="true"/> </report> </configuration> 编写后缀...