除了Sumo不知火, 在city'super,我们邂逅了各种鲜亮活泼的澳大利亚柑橘:果皮油亮光滑、清甜温润的2PH Honey Murcott 茂谷柑;吃起来带有莓果的清新和酸甜的Cara Cara Navel Oranges 卡拉卡拉脐橙;清爽微酸、果肉充满咀嚼感的巧克力橙;果肉粉红类似葡萄柚吃起来却毫无涩味的Beloved和Venus红肉...
Sumo Citrus不知火就是其中之一,它最早由日本果农培育,后来被澳大利亚引进,主要在三个产区的果园种植和培育:Riveriana(新南威尔士西南部)、Sunraysia(维多利亚西北部和新南威尔士西南部) 和Riverland (南澳)。每年的7-9月,也就是现在,正是Sumo丰收的季节。每一颗Sumo采用蜜蜂自然授粉,人工亲手采摘,每一口都是澳大利...
Sumo Citrus meets the highest standards. Compared to standard oranges, the legendary Sumo Citrus is the ultimate citrus experience. They are easy to peel, seedless, super-sweet, juicy and make for a perfect no-mess snack. Available nationwide annually January...
Welcome tocitrus-palooza— a random tasting of commonly and more uncommonly known mainstream-citrus cousins and hybrids. The place where mandarins and tangerines mate to create the charmingly named,Pixie, and where intimidatingly namedSumo Orangeswin over hearts {mine} and beat the competition handso...
除了Sumo不知火, 在city'super,我们邂逅了各种鲜亮活泼的澳大利亚柑橘:果皮油亮光滑、清甜温润的2PH Honey Murcott 茂谷柑;吃起来带有莓果的清新和酸甜的Cara Cara Navel Oranges 卡拉卡拉脐橙;清爽微酸、果肉充满咀嚼感的巧克力橙;果肉粉红类似葡萄柚吃起来...