The takeaway: If you have the type of product that you can create integrations for, don’t miss out on the SEO boost you can get from an App Directory. Plus, more integrations = a “stickier” product. If you don’t have the type of product that you can create an app directory for...
Why we created the upgrade: I wanted to make sure the video tutorial route wasn’t completely off the table. The article basically proved pop-ups are necessary in one form or another. That kind of message, in my mind, would sway enough readers to create a pop-up. This video was a wa...
WatchKit Tutorial with Swift: Tables and Network Requests:“Ray Wenderlich 这篇关于 WatchKit Table 和网络请求的教程好详细,例子是实时获取比特币莱特币和狗币的最新价格,虽是英文但是图多啊y @WatchKit开发” Watch 开发讲座两份:Architecting Your App for the Apple Watch by NatashaTheRobot, Building...