Before you start the quest to find the Summoning Stones, you should purchase The Alchemist Outfit in Slime Citadel and equip it. Near the bottom of The Citadel, you will find thePhilosopher’s Stone. Talk to it to begin the quest. The Summoning Stones Locations The first Summoning Stone is...
Husband Summoning Module 也许以后我会继续更新创作新的模组,比如地图编辑,动作特效之类的,本模组需要modengime才能启动。 关于传票是在原来的基础上替换,更新了许多法术和祈祷,包括黑剑、爆裂水晶、拉尼的暗月、守护神魂、神兽龙卷风、奥尔登流星、因果循环,以及移除所有BOSS的禁用sp,这意味着他们将受到所有异常状态的影响...
FromSoftware has released a new patch for Elden Ring on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC via Steam. It adds a pretty significant quality of life feature – the ability to send summoning signs to pools in multiple areas, including those that are far away (with Mohgwyn ...