Summoners War Optimizer is a tool to find out the best individual rune builds for your monsters. It’s faster than the web version and will be developed further in the future. Enjoy! Web Version:
Summoners War Optimizer Pro is a tool to find out the best individual rune builds for your monsters. SWOP Pro utilizes your graphics card, which makes it countless times faster than the normal version. The optimization itself was rewritten from scratc
summoners war optimizer这个符文模拟翻车了么 只看楼主收藏回复 愤怒的木尸 炙热龙城 7 之前一直用这个模拟自己的符文搭配,今天发现exporter导不出jason文件了送TA礼物 1楼2019-08-09 11:43回复 非常完美 建筑大师 12 同问,应该是更新了之后上传数据变了 来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-08-09 11:52 回复 ...
关于summoners war optimizer 只看楼主收藏回复 羅小1217 咆哮巨人 6 我用的是win10商店里下载的,全英文有些内容看不懂,有没有大佬把这软件汉化了。 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-05-28 11:51回复 羅小1217 咆哮巨人 6 一楼 来自iPhone客户端2楼2021-05-28 12:32 回复 ...
summoners war optimizer这个应用程序的安装包,哪位大佬能提供一下吗? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-07-29 20:04回复 贴吧用户_0NXJeG1 建筑大师 12 Win10商店直接安装 来自Android客户端3楼2020-07-30 00:54 回复 深日浮林 建筑大师 12 可以关注一下我的b站账号,最近我在做这个软件的功能介绍...
Rune Exporter for Summoners War allows you to export your rune data to an online rune optimizer via in-game screenshots. The app's text recognition algorithm reads the stats from your uploaded screenshots and converts this data into a format that the online optimizer can understand. This saves...
Rune Exporter for Summoners War allows you to export your rune data to an online rune optimizer via in-game screenshots. The app's text recognition algorithm reads the stats from your uploaded screenshots and converts this data into a format that the online optimizer can understand. This saves...
This tool will parse data captured from the initial Summoners War login data and extract information on the monsters and runes of the user. This tool was created with a single purpose: Exporting the runes so it can be used with external tools, such as the Rune Optimizer by Redeemer40 availa...
Summoners War Optimizer is a tool to find out the best individual rune builds for your monsters. It’s faster than the web version and will be developed further in the future. Enjoy! Web Version:
Rune Exporter for Summoners War allows you to export your rune data to an online rune optimizer via in-game screenshots. The app's text recognition algorithm re…