拉杆 方法/步骤 1 格式是:/summon (生物ID) (生成点) (NBT)生物ID大全:Cow---牛Chicken---鸡Pig---猪Ozelot---豹猫Wolf---狼Sheep---羊Bat---蝙蝠Villager---村民MushroomCow---蘑菇牛,哞菇Zombie---僵尸Skeleton---骷髅Witch---女巫Slime---史莱姆LavaSlime---岩浆怪Squid---鱿鱼SnowMan---雪...
summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:64b}} 在当前位置生成一个朝向西面、被禁用AI的骷髅: summon minecraft:skeleton ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b,Rotation:[90F,0F]} 基岩版: 在当前位置生成一个名为“充能苦力怕”的闪电苦力怕: summon creeper ~ ~ ~ minecraft:become_charged "充...
召唤一个拿有锋利10的钻石剑的僵尸 /summon chest_minecart ~ ~1 ~ {Items:[{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",Count:1,Damage:0,tag:{ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}],display:{Name:"UseLessSword",Lore:["UseLess","Sword"]}}}]} 召唤一个运输矿车,里面的东西的第1一个槽位的东西装着名为UseLess...
比如“/summon Slime ~~~ {Size:50}”,就会显示“意外的“{”存在于》》~ “{”Si《《”怎么办 分享101 我的世界指令吧 额吉Joe 不懂就问,在1.14里写的summonitem指令/summon item ~ ~ ~ {Age:-32768s,PickupDelay:3s,Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",Damage:30,Count:1b,tag:{Enchantments:[...
需要两个command block及一个中继器 A指令:/summon FallingSand x y z {TileID:2,Time:1,DropItem:0} B指令:/summon FallingSand x y z {TileID:1,Time:0,DropItem:0} 残风之语:Motion:[0.0,0.1,0.0] 取代方块的第一个要加这个,不然没有用 ...
#我的世界指令#综合2:/summon ender_dragon /summon wolf ~~~ minecraft:on_tame /replaceitem entity@e[type=zombie]slot.weapon.offhand 0 totem /stopsound@a/execute@a~~~ playsound music.game.water@s~~~ 1 3 /execute@a~~~ playsound music.game.credits@s~~~ 1 3 /execute@a~~~ playsound...
我的世界生成凋零的指令是/summon minecraft:wither。1,首先我们进入游戏,输入这条指令。2,然后就可以成功召唤出凋零了。 分享回复赞 我的世界吧 林波Love丶 【Ulb大师】命令集合 合理利用以下命令并非直接可以使用 请自行理解命令 主城保护 1000格冒险区 /execute @a [r=1000,m=0] ~ ~ ~ gamemode 2 1000外...
/give @p command_block 然后指令我直接发出来,不直接做地址:/summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {id:"minecraft:falling_block",Time:1,DropItem:0,Block:"minecraft:command_block",Passengers:[{id:"minecraf 分享回复1 宅到没朋友吧 二次元盒子精 盘点我的世界mod里最强的十大boss,打过这些再说...
Edit: Updated command to 16w05a EDIT AS OF 13w03b: Now it allows the trade, doesn't eat the item, but the item that it gives is a ghost item. When updated, the item just disappears. I have the villager trading a potion and it just disappears when you try to drink it. ...
HorseMount is a flexible player mount system for Minecraft. It allows players to summon and dismiss horse mounts with a simple command. Players can also choose to set their default mount via command or sign from 140 different mount types. dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/horsemount/ Topics jav...