I know: /summon Item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:minecraft:sponge,Count:1} But I don't know how to add wet sponge's data value (1) in that command. There seems to be a lack of online information on this topic. minecraft-java-edition minecraft-commands Share Improve this question Follow edi...
put this command in a reapet command block and have it on always active or power it manually when you want to activate the thing execute as @p[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:fishing_rod",Count:1b}}] run execute at @p run execute at @e[distance=0..10,type=...
MC自然状态下能够生成的极品马指令(Java) /summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {Attributes:[{Name:"generic.max_health",Base:30},{Name:"generic.movement_speed",Base:0.3375},{Name:"horse.jump_strength",Base:1}],Tame:1b} 白色已驯服,无鞍无马铠 根据mcwiki:此马15颗心,最大速度是14.23格/秒,可以跳...
Launcher: Minecraft Launcher 1.3.9 (bootstrap 4) Minecraft: 14w04b (updated Fri Jan 24 10:55:13 EST 2014) Confirmation Status: Confirmed Description Put the summary of the bug you're having here I have no idea, I was messing around with commands I hadn't tried before. The game cra...
HorseMount is a flexible player mount system for Minecraft. It allows players to summon and dismiss horse mounts with a simple command. Players can also choose to set their default mount via command or sign from 140 different mount types. - ktross/HorseM
To run game commands in Minecraft, you have toturn cheats onin your world. Summon Command Java PE Xbox PS Nintendo Win10 Edu Summon Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to summon an entity (or mob) is: ...
Select Java Edition Version: This generator creates commands for Minecraft Java Edition versions: 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.2, 1.20, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16.2, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.10, 1.9, 1.8. You can change to another version above....
How to Summon Lightning in Minecraft Summon Commands Video Guide Conclusion FAQs Supported Platforms Luckily you can summon lightning with any method in every edition of Minecraft that is available to the public. Platforms that Support Spawning Lightning Platform Able to Summon Lightning? Java Edition...
Summoning the Warden in Creative Mode In Creative Mode, after theMinecraft1.19 update, you should be able to spawn a Warden by using these commands in the chat window: Bedrock Edition: “/summon warden” Java Edition: “/summon Minecraft:warden”...
根据mcwiki:此马15颗心,最大速度是14.23格/秒,可以跳过5 .25格。 第一次修改(1.21后mojang改了指令格式) 1.21后: /summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {attributes:[{id:"generic.max_health",base:30},{id:"generic.movement_speed",base:0.3375},{id:"generic.jump_strength",base:1}],Tame:1b} ...