evocation_fang/summon creeper ~~~ minecraft:become_charged/summon skeleton_horse ~~~ minecraft:set_trap/summon armor_stand/summon vindicator ~~~ minecraft:promote_to_patrol_captain/summon axolotl ~~~ minecraft:entity_born/summon arrow ~~~/give@scommand_block/give@sstructure_block/give@sstructure...
The coordinates~ ~1 ~are commonly used when running the /summon command from acommand blockso that the entity/mob spawns 1 block above the command block. Learn about thecoordinate system. Congratulations, you have learned how to use the /summon command in Minecraft. Summon Examples Here are s...
area_effect_cloud(区域药水云)无eventsarmor_stand(盔甲架)无eventsarrow(箭)minecraft:entity_spawned 刷怪蛋生成的箭bat(蝙蝠)无eventsbee(蜜蜂)minecraft:entity_spawned 刷怪蛋生成的蜜蜂minecraft:entity_born 刚出生的蜜蜂minecraft:ageable_grow_up 成年蜜蜂minecraft:exited_disturbed_hive 离开受干扰蜂巢的蜜蜂hi...
You can summon a lightning bolt whenever you want using a cheat (game command) in Minecraft. This is done using the /summon command. Lightning bolts can be used to turn mobs into witches, zombie pigmen, or charged creepers.Let's explore how to do this....
FromSoftware has deployed a brand-new Elden Ring patch ahead of the release of the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion.
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