MMULT is a very picky function in that it does not fail gracefully. If the number of product rows/columns in the two tables do not match the function will crash and burn rather than reporting errors in the final elements to be returned. Another catch is that it does not accept blank ce...
2/ Look at sheetInputsin the file I shared. I made a copy/paste of the relevant columns and rows (from your manual inputs in sheetWorking Tab) and formatted the copied data as a Table that I named Inputs 3/ I "loaded" the existing tableRawDatain Power Query and ...
As you can see below, if the drive does have two incentives (gift cards, t-shirts, etc) - it creates a row for each incentive assigned to the drive. But my report then dynamically creates additional columns for the incentives while keeping the drive on one row in the report: But then ...
Hi all, I am trying to sum a certain value based on certain criteria between different sheets. In the below picture, I would like to sum the Total GLA based on the Asset Manager. ... JakeTWalker97 In row 2 of the Total GLA (Sq. Fr.) column: =SUMIF('GLA Sheet'!A...
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I added two columns to the right in the table for troubleshooting. They are \"Time\" and \"cc\". They will be deleted by me later.I can get the correct results using =SUM(DeckLog[Time]) in the summary display, where Time is the column I temporarily added ...
My columns from my raw data and my manual inputs columns are not the same and not sure how I handle in Power Pivot like you did for the summary. How did you complete that? I needed to make a second taxes table to include for a second table. Since a new sa...