worries that many children in Barry will spend most of the summer indoors, glued to their screens, because parents are both unable to afford child care or activities and also loth to let them roam unsupervised. “I get very bored at home,” complains one six-year-old taking part in the ...
Even with jobs, though, summertime was for taking it easy. Clara, a character in Gershwin’s opera “Porgy and Bess,” sings to her baby: “Summertime/ And the livin’ is easy.“ My granddaughter’s name is Clara. She had a wonderful kindergarten experience this past year, but she ...
‘The foundations for an economic recovery – a rapid one – are already in place, hiding in plain sight. Economic activity in the UK is not falling like stone, in fact it has now been rising for more than three months, sooner than anyone expected. It has also recovered far faster than...
who creates characters that are so complex and real that I felt like I knew them personally. Technically a coming of age story set in 1987 New York,Tell the Wolves I’m Homeis narrated by 14 year old June. June’s uncle Finn is dying from ...