Volunteer:If your summer schedule allows, “offer to work at the camp,” Fobes says. If you lend your services—perhaps for the camp blog or cleaning the camp house before the season starts—your child may be able to attend camp for free or a reduced rate. Focus on the experience—not ...
I am going to run a ‘mock’ camp this summer to get a feel for it, as each year the cousins all come together at our house. Your ideas have given me much inspiration! THANK YOU, so very much. I love your site, your projects, and your suggestions. I have recommended your site to...
dried beans would use a great deal of fuel, but canned beans could be warmed up, or even eaten cold. In the summer you don’t want to rely on a cooking method that heats up your house, so look to things
Summer Advisory: Be Careful About Getting Into Pools And Secure Cleaning Pool SuppliesBrad Sellers
Yellow alert for Kozhikode from tomorrow Journalists protest against center’s actions at News Click media house Narges Mohammadi wins Nobel Prize for Peace MK. Premnath: A transition beyond party lines in Kerala politics No more Nipah positive cases in Kozhikode : all infected persons recover...
Connect with me on Facebook for specials:https://www.facebook.com/mjspz/ Feel free to email me with any questions! marijeanl@icloud.com *I am an Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra. All thoughts are my own. Related posts: New Scents for Spring!
"walking empty- handed into our house caused me to break down. i sat in her nursery and cried. i questioned everything, even god. this wasn't the experience i had prepared for with my firstborn. i should have been enjoying her kicks in my belly, not wondering if the nurses were ...