The Summer ScienceProgram(SSP)暑期科学项目自1969年起,便是为来自世界各地充满天赋的学者提供一个为期39天的科学夏令营,是由大名鼎鼎的MIT资助的,最具含金量的天体物理/生物化学夏校。 夏令营共有四个营地,今年新开设了UCSD营地。课程围绕...
Summer Science Program(SSP)就是大名鼎鼎的由MIT资助的,最具含金量的(最难申请的)天体物理/生物化学夏校。来自中国和印度的申请人超过可容纳人数的25倍以上;整体来说,录取率在10%。 SSP虽然是由MIT资助,但营地不在MIT校内。 该项目成立于1959年,最初由加州理工资助。 现在SSP有三个营地,分别是科罗拉多州,新墨西...
Summer ScienceProgram(SSP)成立于 1959 年,是一个独立的非营利性的项目,由其主办校园和附居机构加州理工学院、哈维-马德学院和麻省理工学院合作运营。暑期科学项目 SSP 属于研究性质,而不是课程作业。参与者以三人一组的方式进行合作。 2023 年暑期科学项目SS...
The Summer Science Program (SSP)是一个学术性的暑期项目,为高中生提供了体验大学教育和进行研究的机会。学生们可以通过研究小行星轨道、酶的动力学特性或抗生素抗性等方面的内容来学习天体力学、生物化学或基因组学。 该项目于1959年在加利福尼亚州的Thacher School成立,现在项目在三个天体物理学校园(新墨西哥州索科...
Summer ScienceProgram(SSP)成立于 1959 年,是一个独立的非营利性的项目,由其主办校园和附居机构加州理工学院、哈维-马德学院和麻省理工学院合作运营。暑期科学项目 SSP 属于研究性质,而不是课程作业。参与者以三人一组的方式进行合作。 2023 年暑期科学项目SSP 包括: 天体物理学、生物化学、基因组学项目。课堂和实...
The Summer Science Program (SSP) is a nonprofit organization that provides an experimental science experience for high school seniors who' ll soon go through college application. As one of the oldest pre-college enrichment programs,SSP is uniquely run by former members of this wonderful community....
Summer Science ProgramInvites applicants for the 45th Summer Science Program in Socorro County, New Mexico. Lectures on various science subjects; Opportunity to meet scientists; Deadline for the submission of entries.S.C.I.E.N.C.EScience Teacher...
The article reports on the acceptance of applications for the 2006 Summer Science Program (SSP), a six-week activity for gifted high school students. Physics, calculus and programming are applied to determine the orbit of an asteroid from the students' observations. The emphasis of the program ...
In the application you will be asked to submit an email address for one of your science teachers. Once you submit your application, an email will be sent to your teacher with a link to the referral form. You will receive an email once the teacher has completed the form....
The Summer Science Program (SSP) is a residential academic enrichment program for rising high school seniors offered at both theNew Mexico Institute of Mining and Technologyin Socorro, New Mexico, and at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. The SSP curriculum is centered around a group ...