Top-Tier Summer School & Summer Camp Collection 很多同学和家长都在纠结,申请美国大学的数学专业或者是理工科、计算机、工程类专业,都离不开数学的学术能力背景提升的项目锤炼,那在本身高中就比较紧张的时间安排里面,如何选择适合自己的最佳数学项目...
美国留学Best Math Summer Programs推荐 顶级数学夏校及夏令营合集 Top-Tier Summer School & Summer Camp Collection 很多同学和家长都在纠结,申请美国大学的数学专业或者是理工科、计算机、工程类专业,都离不开数学的学术能力背景提升的项目锤炼,那在本身高中就比较紧张的时间安排里面,如何选择适合自己的最佳数学项目...
Stanford AI 4ALL 斯坦福大学人工智能夏校 Columbia's Summer Programs for High School Student哥伦比亚大...
夏校就是暑校(summer school)指利用暑假去美国读大学课程。是每年暑假6月下旬至8月底,由高知名度、学...
Implement a summer school curriculum with HMH intervention programs and help students understand the “why” of learning through real-world scenarios.
一般来说,国内学生去的“夏校(Summer School)”是美国大学专为高中生开设的,在美国更多的称之为“暑期项目(Summer Program)”。这些夏校是以学为主的暑期活动,不同于那些走马观花、两三周的游学夏令营。大部分夏校的时间都在6到8周,期间学生们吃、住、学都在校园里,可以提前体验美国的大学校园文化。
About our summer math program: Our courses will serve students no matter their goal for the summer and upcoming school year. Students in grades K - 12 can choose from a variety of math courses including those that will reinforce their knowledge and prepare them for the upcoming school year or...
随着秋季学期临近尾声,部分知名美国大学主办的夏校/暑期项目(Summer School/Program)已对外开放申请。通常每年10月至第二年3月为夏校申请季,希望利用暑假时间(6-8月)提升学术能力、提前体验美国知名大学的学习氛围和课程强度的同学们可以开始准备个人履历了!高含金量的夏校项目可以为大学申请提供助力,学生有机会深入探索自...
Texas A&M Summer Camp for High School Students Texas A & M Summer Math Camp Texas State University Summer Math Camps for High School School, Middle School, and Elementary Students Texas State Summer Math Programs University of Utah Mathematics Summer Program for High School Students ...
Note: The “Graduate” credit option is primarily for students enrolled in certain graduate programs such as the “Math for Teaching” program in which it may fulfil certain requirements. All other students (including high school students) should register for the “Undergraduate” option or the “...