During the summer months, UCLA opens its doors to students from all over the world. UCLA’s outstanding faculty teach summer courses. Students attending Summer School also enjoy an extensive array of campus resources, including libraries and athletic facilities, as...
该项目由布里斯托大学黑人人文中心(Centre for Black Humanities)主办,通过文学、电影、音乐、历史等多领域的材料,帮助同学们批判性地了解黑人人文的复兴与发展,重要思想家,以及黑人女权主义和黑人激进思想文化遗产。 课程日期:2024年6月16日至7月6...
Summer School 2024 This program is open to international students from around the world who would like to study during the summer and experience Chinese culture. We are pleased to be able to offer a half summer school program for those who are not able to attend for the full month. This ...
随着秋季学期临近尾声,部分知名美国大学主办的夏校/暑期项目(Summer School/Program)已对外开放申请。通常每年10月至第二年3月为夏校申请季,希望利用暑假时间(6-8月)提升学术能力、提前体验美国知名大学的学习氛围和课程强度的同学们可以开始准备个人履历了!高含金量的夏校项目可以为大学申请提供助力,学生有机会深入探索自...
Mississauga, Canada Jun’24 – USCA Academy is excited to announce the launch of its 2024 Summer School Program, which is specifically designed for high school students who want to accelerate their studies, improve their grades, and stay ahead academically. This prog...
(2023), Huawei's renownedEuropean Leadership Academyis delighted to announce the fourth edition of the Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age. Scheduled from 21 to 26 July 2024, the School will take place in Warsaw, Poland. The program will once again convene numerous world-...
2024启行·中学生夏校 SUMMER SCHOOL 13-15Yrs 启行中学生夏校,聚焦学习方向感不足、自我管理能力欠缺和学习方法不匹配三大中学生学习痛点,带来了可以提高学习力提升和国际视野、知识拓展的课程帮助中学生丰富具有国际竞争力的升学履历与能力! 01 项目内容 全球话题工作坊:「社会科学工作坊」培养世界公民责任感,唤起对全球...
01 斯坦福人文夏校 1、项目介绍:SSHI是常年占据含金量最高夏校TOP10的夏季项目,同时也是中国学生最难...
Summer School Catch Up and Transition Programmes 2024 - Skills in Maths, Literacy and Science. Social skills and Cohesion. Immersion in and Motivation for Outcome-Based Learning. Downloadable log books. Available in one, two and three-day formats - UK wi
2024年英国夏校已开放申请,诸多顶尖夏校,先到先得! Charterhouse School Charterhouse School成立于1611年,距今已有四百多年历史。该校与Eton College、St Pauls' School等同属于英国著名的九大公学。 学校坐落在占地 240 英亩的校园内,毗邻伦敦,交通便利。校园内既有历史悠久的建筑,也有现代化的教学设施、美丽的园林和...