SUMMER SALE購買SUMMER SALE 組合包 (?) -65% -5% ¥ 632.45 ¥ 597.72 加入購物車 關於此組合包 Get all our great games! And if you already have some of them ... no problem at all. Steam only charges the games not in your library! 此組合包中包含的項目 -50% ¥ 22.00 ¥ ...
Valve announces the 2023 Summer Sale is now underway on Steam, offering thousands of discounts between now and July 13th. There is also a free sticker to claim each day, a new seasonal badge, and the chance to earn Steam Summer Sale trading cards. The Steam Deck is part of the party, ...
Steam Summer Sale促销活动开跑 最高享1.5折优惠 世嘉股份有限公司宣布Steam平台PC游戏限时促销活动“Steam Summer Sale”已上线。活动期间内由SEGA及ATLUS出品的部分游戏以最高85%OFF的优惠价回馈玩家。在广阔的岛屿上自由飞驰的超音速动作游戏《索尼克 未知边境》首次以5折特惠加入促销阵容。此外,《人中之龙 维新!
The 2023 Steam Summer Sale is here, and great deals on racing games and simulators are part of it once again: Until July 13th, Sim racers and racing game enthusiats have the opportunity to save up to 90 % on some titles - and you can find out what the best deals are in our list!
世嘉股份有限公司宣布Steam平台PC游戏限时促销活动“Steam Summer Sale”已上线。活动期间内由SEGA及ATLUS出品的部分游戏以最高85%OFF的优惠价回馈玩家。 在广阔的岛屿上自由飞驰的超音速动作游戏《索尼克 未知边境》首次以5折特惠加入促销阵容。此外,《人中之龙 维新!极》、《女神异闻录5 皇家版》、《人中之龙7 光... Some really deep discounts on great games. @cclarry, I know you really liked The Talos Principle, and if you haven't played the Talos Principle DLC Road to Gehenna, I highly recommend it. If you're interested in similar ga
The Steam Summer sale may have caused a wishlist purge and indie devs are worried ByAndy ChalkpublishedJune 28, 2019 Some devs have suggested that confusion over the Grand Prix game is to blame. news 1234Archives The biggest gaming news, reviews and hardware deals...
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Kangal 2Cy 02 Jul 2023 I just had a weird thought, in terms of hardware it's always Nintendo slowest, PlayStation as being fast, and Xbox being even faster. The SteamDeck feels like the PlayStation of handhelds, whilst the even faster ROG Ally is like the Xbox, and the Switch is the...
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