There are lots of fun summer options for kids, but CentriKid ensures that God’s Word is the focus of every part of our camp, including the fun stuff. Learn More A CAMP EXPERIENCE CREATED FOR 2ND-6TH GRADERS frequently asked questions find your camp group leaders Returning We’re glad...
Description:Registration is now open for Theatre Exile’s 2024 Paper Wings Summer Theatre Camps, welcoming students entering sixth grade through those who just graduated from high school to engage in a unique and immersive educational experience. The specially curated week-long performance program is s...
Fantastic program for my 1st and 4th graders. We have worked with Corie in the past for tutoring and we knew that any program she offered would be outstanding. She, Trece, and the staff are patient, kind, knowledgeable, and exceptional with kids. I highly recommend them!
When first graders needs a little summer reading motivation, give them a book that will send them into fits of giggles. The rule-following Chick and the not-so-smart Brain work out a misunderstanding about the proper protocol of offering your foot for a sniff. It's a lesson that is sure...
Reading ProgramsInterventionWe evaluated the effects of a summer reading intervention with a sample of low-income Black and Hispanic students who were struggling readers. In the summer before their 2nd- or 3rd-grade school year, 14 rising 2nd graders and 18 rising 3rd graders received 15hr of ...
Math Unicorn Ice Cream Social, Sat July 17th at 10 am eastern – FREE and virtual – for 1st/2nd graders and their parents Calling all math unicorns! What do unicorns do during the summer? Well, first, they take a little break to rest, ...
The program is aimed at third and fourth graders who "score behind grade level on reading on an end-of-year screener," LDOE said in a release Wednesday. If a student scores below level, they will have to receive 30 additional hours of "focused literacy instruction...
Offers full and half-day art KidsCamps for children entering grades K-7. Little Campers program is created for five and six-year olds (entering K-1st) who are new to the camp environment. KidsCamps are offered for entering K-7th graders, and ArtsFocus Camps are offered for entering 2nd ...
CAMP LOCATION: Since Covid all classes have been shifted to my online program. Use the link provided to access my schedule.▌Read More about Computer Kids Club Print (or view) Camp Profile for: Computer Kids Club▌There are 39 Top Alabama Camps Below ↓...
For preschool campers, child and teacher-led play helps foster a love of reading. The curriculum also takes advantage of the warm weather with water play and outdoor games. Older campers go on two to five excursions per week, designed around a weekly theme. Locations include the MAD museum...