Digging into a great book under a sun umbrella, preferably poolside, is one of the joys of summer. And thebenefits of readingstill hold true even when school isn’t in session. Thankfully, a number of summer reading programs help keep the learning going over the summer months, and kids c...
not born. This modern guide provides everyday examples and insight to the difference between a great manager and an average one, when to look past an awkward job interview, and how to build trust with your team. Whether you’re new to the job, a...
27 March 2023 The biggest and most important library program of the year for libraries in North America is nearly here. We’re talking about summer reading. Every year, we put together a guide with links to NoveList resources and fresh content ideas so your library can put on the best ...
We hope you have enjoyed our annual reading list. Please let us know your feedback and how we could have made it even more enjoyable and useful for you. Drop us a note atnewideas@mckinsey.com.
There are so many fun FREE Summer Reading Programs for Kids this year! Once school is out for the summer, it’s easy for kids to lose the habit of reading. Regular daily reading is essential for kids to hone their reading skills, especially during the slower days of summer, when they...
Add these books to your summer reading list to keep your logistics and supply chain skills sharp, even while you enjoy some time away from the office. Supply Chain Ethics—Using CSR and Sustainability To Create Competitive Advantage By John Manners-Bell ...
Amazon Amazon Robotics - Software Development Engineer (SDE) Intern Westborough, MANorth Reading, MA 🔒 Aug 30 Oshkosh Digital Technology Intern - Application Development - Year Round Appleton, WI 🔒 Aug 29 ↳ Digital Technology Intern - Manufacturing Support - Year Round Appleton, WI 🔒 Aug...
Every year, we put together a list of our best resources to help you survive whatever the summer reading season throws your way. Since we’re always adding fresh content and helpful resources to help make your daily librarian-ing easier, we want to make sure you have the most up-to-date...
Are you searching for a way to enjoy summer, have fun, and still be productive? We're here to help! Grab Homeschool.com's printable summer reading challenge!
To usher in the summer months, we’ve gathered a list of inspiring, educational and entertaining books we’re reading. Check out the 2024 J.P. Morgan Summer Reading List.