Berkeley Busoness Academy for Youth 伯克利青年商业学院 Babson Summer Study for High School Students ...
Babson Summer Program for High School Students为学生提供在商业、企业家精神方面最新和最具实践性的专业...
TheSummer Discovery program at the University of Texas at Austinoffers high school students in Texas some of the best pre-college summer programs across a number of topics for students who are aged 14 through 18. These UT best pre-college summer programs for high school students, which are av... 申请要求: 托福104分以上。不要求SAT分数。滚动录取,先到先得,录满为止。 申请截止时间: 1、High School Students 2、Visiting Undergraduates 五、杜克大学 Typical D...
CAMP LEADERSHIP, CIT OR LIT OPPORTUNITIES: Ravens Run offers a Young Adult Program for high school students. Campers who are 14-16 years old will be mentored by an art teacher while engaging in a full range of art classes. MORE INFO ABOUT THIS CAMP, JOBS, ETC: Visit Our Ravens Run Vis...
普瑞特艺术学院暑校 (Pratt Institute Pre-College Program for High School Students) 截止日期:2024年4月1日 南加州大学电影学院暑校 (USC School of Cinematic Arts Summer Program) 截止日期:2024年6月中 暑校是美本申请非常重要的一部分,特别在近些年中国申请者竞争力陡增的情况下,暑校的意义更是不容小觑。当然...
爱荷华大学夏校(Secondary Student Training Program) 截止日期:2024年2月16日 工程类 宾夕法尼亚大学工程暑期学院 (The Engineering Summer Academy at Penn) 截止日期:2024年4月5日 库伯联盟高中生建筑入门(Introduction to Architecture for High SchoolStudents Online The Cooper Union) ...
Secondary School Program 哈佛大学学分项目 Yale College Courses for Credit: Summer Session A or B 耶鲁大学暑期短期项目 Chicago High School Students Pre-College Programs 芝加哥高中学生大学预科课程 Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer linstitutes 斯坦福大学夏季预备学院 ...
Archive | Summer ProgramRSS feed for this section Word Nerd: Top 5 writing errors made by undergraduate students 29Jul In 2008, Andrea Lunsford and Karen Lunsford conducted a national study on undergraduate writing in the US. The study was called “Mistakes Are A Fact of Life.” It revealed...
The Summer Science Program (SSP) in-person Ideal for:Students who have completed rigorous coursework in math and science (depending on the particular track,prerequisite courseworkin calculus, physics, and chemistry may be required) and who are interested in an immersive and experimental science progr...