And this summer, theBoys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valleyhas focused its efforts on a program for children that will help to ensure the continuation of academic progress and growth throughout the summer months. The program, aptly titled “Brain Gain,” addresses the threat of summer learn...
CAMP LOCATION: Since Covid all classes have been shifted to my online program. Use the link provided to access my schedule.▌Read More about Computer Kids Club Print (or view) Camp Profile for: Computer Kids Club▌There are 22 Top Alaska Camps Below ↓...
Long-awaited boys and girls club set to open ; Much larger facility, more summer programming; Marshfield; MarshfieldBarnes, Jennette
The Boys and Girls Club of Central Minnesota also participates in the USDA Summer Food Service Program, so everyone gets breakfast and a hot meal at every club and center. Or more information on the clubs or Kidstop locations,click here for the Boys and Girls Club of Central Minnesota. ...
Boys and Girls Club Summer Programs 65 Tainter St., Worcester, MA 01610 Contact: Zoe Acevedo Ph: (508) 753-3377 Tenacity Summer Programs 1 College St., Worcester, MA 01610 ...
The club is for boys and girls who are great at reading, activities, presents and more things to make them read library books well. When will the Summer Reading Club be open next year? The club will be open from 22nd to 28th. Do you want to learn more about the fun games, great ...
The Boys & Girls Club of Albany is affiliated with Boys & Girls Club of America and has served more than 70,000 boys and girls. BGCA s Delinquency Prevention Through Targeted Outreach program works with schools, parents, law enforcement agencies and juvenile courts to help the at-risk youth ...
The Lighthouse Program 45 Lyon Terrace, Room 301, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Ph: (203) 576-7252 Website: Boys and Girls Club Summer Camps 2414 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605 Contact: Jenn Vega Ph: (203) 908-3378 Email: Website: www.Wa...
下午去12 different sites做社区服务,比如有boys and girls club,The habitat for humanity store等。最后一周就是6-7个人组成一个小组,由TA/professor带着完成自己的group project,最后有一个presentation,有传说中的业界大牛来参加并点评。项目结束后会有结业证和60小时的community service hours。
The program starts Wednesday, July 5, and runs through August 17. Youth Celebration Day will be held on August 19.Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford (166 Jenney Street, New Bedford) Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 pm -7:30 pm. Activities ...