arrived and after welcoming us all to the luncheon, we sat down for a delectable Hawaiian-themed meal (which unfortunately I barely did any justice to, as I was hit with the migraine to end all migraines — still not sure how I survived the flight back home a few hours later). Capping...
Charleston, SC - Summer 2012 - The official guide for Charleston South Carolina Weddings. Ideas, wedding announcements, vendors and more!
The next day, her hair once again stiffly coiffed and wearing a light orange dress suit, she ascended into the hills about fifteen miles from Athens for a formal luncheon with King Paul, Queen Frederika, Princess Sophia, Princess Irene and Prince Constantine at their Tatoi summer palace. Pood...
Steven and Belly arrive at the luncheon and she sees Jeremiah, asking to talk to him alone. She offers to take a plate of food to him upstairs if he wants to be alone, and he agrees. As she prepares the plates, Laurel criticizes Belly for wearing a dress that's too small. Belly ...
During my mother’s funeral luncheon an enormous storm came out of nowhere. We were at the Stone Mountain Women’s Club. Picture a series of long foldup tables with every variety of salad: chicken salad with grapes and almonds, macaroni salad with bits of ham and roasted peppers, bean sal...
Class of '47 Annual Dinner The Class of '47 held its annual luncheon meeting on a beautiful September Thursday afternoon at the Hu- ron Yacht Club. Attendance was excellent as usual. All were in good spirits as they recounted another year's exploits, updated the grandchildren and great- ...
The next day, at the annual Action for Cancer Awareness Awards luncheon, Ginsburgreceivedthe Special Recognition Award from the Prevent Cancer Foundation for “inspiring Americans of all ages to prioritize health and fitness to reduce their cancer risk.” ...