the cloth or clothing in which the dead are wrapped for burial or other form of funeral. couture the art and practice of dressmaking and designing. —couturier, couturière,n. falalery,fallalery showy articles of clothing; finery. —fallal,n. ...
Belly gets ready with Susannah for her date. That evening, Susannah compliments Belly's attire, hoping she'll have fun tonight. Laurel is confused as she thought Belly would drive with them tonight. Susannah reveals that she has a date with a the son of a woman who works at the club. ...
A handful of people dressed in office attire, clutching giant pretzels and cans of diet soda. Even a few joggers intent on a return to normalcy. She walks a little bit of the way into the park-just to the bend in the path she was longing to see-and finds a bench in the shade....
Truscott:We were a pretty strong bunch of babes, the other women on Warped Tour. We stuck together and the guys were really supportive of us. It was probably the opposite of what everybody would expect me to say — that it was really hard and that I had to really earn my stripes. B...