Whether you’re looking for creative writing workshops, preview courses in STEM fields, or to explore theories of ethics, philosophy, and free expression, the University of Chicago’s summer Immersion courses offer you the opportunity to explore a topic of interest in-depth. 通过我们为高中生提供...
Whether you’re looking for creative writing workshops, preview courses in STEM fields, or to explore theories of ethics, philosophy, and free expression, the University of Chicago’s summer Immersion courses offer you the opportunity to explore a topic of interest in-depth. 通过我们为高中生提供...
相比于summer immersion的650个人,college edge 50-60个人真的挺少的,所以社交圈不一定能拓展开。
01 英国地区 针对大学在读本科生,UCL 在 6 -8 月期间提供为期 3 周或 6 周的夏校学习。所有课程...
Chicago 课程简介 芝加哥大学的暑校课程包括Undergrad Courses和Business Scholars两类,在Undergrad Courses中,学生可以选择芝加哥大学的各种常规本科课程来上。课程采用小班制教学,老师均为经验丰富的知名教授与讲师。 课程的长度分为3周和5周两种,但是无论是哪种长度的课程,其内容的量都相当于本科期间一个学期(10周)的...
录取结果:6-Week Online Courses-Forget Ready,Forget Set,Go! Fiction writing 多邻国:125 SAT/ACT:无 学生申请时为9年级,我们老师根据她的兴趣和大量戏剧、心理学习经历,为她选择爱荷华青年作家写作营。在文书中强调她的努力和写作发展过程。 从以上案例我们也可以看出,申请夏校不一定需要AST/ACT的成绩,所以对此有...
I applied for summer schools in Berkeley and Cornell respectively, but to my surprise, I was admitted the next day after I issued the application. Such a smooth application could not have been possible without my excellent standardized scores, and the American courses in the Sino-American class...
SUMMER SCHOOL COURSES IN MATHEMATICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOdoi:10.1111/j.1949-8594.1927.tb05239.xNoneJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdSchool Science and Mathematics
Other Courses Kids Love Tech Camp Roblox Developer: Imaginative Game Design Ages 10-12 Beg-Adv Private Lessons 2D Game Design with RPG Maker Ages 7-19 Beg-Adv Virtual Camp Game Design and Development 101 - Unreal Engine Ages 13-17
二、Start of something new 在那片草地上,阳光格外的明亮。Tim踢着足球,Jack拿着羽毛球拍,Bianca抱...