Top 5 Car Maintenance Tips for the SummerJoey Faircloth
These were some extremely crucialsummer car care tipsthat every car owner should be well acquainted with. Try to keep it up-to-date and take care of all the maintenance necessities. Because if you don’t do so, it will ditch you at the last moment and will break down at a place where...
9 tips to make the most of your summer travels and save money Follow these summer travel tips for a budget-friendly, hassle-free experience. Updated Wed, Feb 12 2025 3:07 PM EST Ariana Arghandewal Share Twenty47studio | Moment | Getty Images Terms apply to American Express benefits and ...
If you do not want your car to break down, then all you need to do is adhere to the following car maintenance tips for the summer. Air Conditioning: Air conditioning is particularly valuable during summer, especially if you get stuck in a traffic jam. Therefore, it is vital to ensure th...
Thankfully, there are some precautions you can take to protect your car from the summer heat. Here are ways to do that: Fix Your Car’s Tint If your car has a tint, it must completely cover your car windows to protect it from the summer heat. Awindow tint repairservice can do this...
If you haven't had your thermostat replaced and your car is well into middle age, we recommend to our customers that they get a new one when they're having a cooling system repair done. A stuck thermostat is a common cause of engine overheating. Replacing the thermostat is relatively affor...
If you own a car, then make sure the tires are properly inflated and it’s running as efficiently as possible. Emptying out your trunk so the car is lighter can also help cut your gas needs. Next:Clean out your home. 11/13 Credit Clean out your home. If you put off spring cleaning...
If you hear grinding sounds or feel vibrations while applying the brakes, visit an auto repair shop for a brake inspection. Professionals will check for fluid leaks and assess the condition of pads, rotors, shoes, and drums. 3. Secure and Test the Battery: Examine the battery for clean and...
1. Repair a damaged windshield.Did a gravel truck chip your windshield? Those small chips can turn into big problems if left unattended. Sometimes, window chips and cracks can be repaired instead of replacing the entire windshield. Type, size, depth and location of the damage determines what ...
Winter weather takes its toll on your car. These tips will help keep your vehicle in top shape for the Texas summer.