高尔夫也是自律、进取、胜利的代名词 新华公学高尔夫夏令营,助力孩子成为高素养、高学养的杰出公民。通过高尔夫专项体能、数据化人工智能高尔夫、真草练习、模拟竞标赛球场9洞下场,科学分析小球手运动指标。 项目信息 开营期数 5天/期,共2期 第一期7月3日-7月7日 第二期7月10日-7月14日 寄宿制封闭化管理 班...
Summer Camp | 2023南京传媒学院国际夏令营开营啦! 南京传媒学院于7月9日迎来了来自印度尼西亚的23名师生,他们将在南传参加为期10天的夏令营活动。夏令营活动涵盖了中国语言与文化课、传媒艺术体验课、专题研讨和参观考察四个板块。目前,夏令营活动进程已...
2023 summer 在高尔夫训练结束后,同学们还会参加两场高尔夫球赛,检验自己这段时间的学习成果。在“2023锶百睿青少年高尔夫巡回赛”暨北京爱迪“学校杯”南山站和师生分组赛大连站的巡回比赛中,同学们都尽力发挥自己最好的一面。 在已经结束的2023锶百...
OUR PROGRAMS JOIN OUR COMMUNITY 2023 Summer Camp Week 1 HighlightsJul 18, 2023 | News, Summer Camp HighlightsThis week, we launched the CISB Summer Camp, which promises to be an entire month packed with exciting learning opportunities for our students. Our comprehensive program includes swimming...
Stanford University Mathematics Camp 项目官网:https://sumac.spcs.stanford.edu/ 项目日期:12月中旬开放 申请截止日期:参考往年:2023 年 2 月 1 日 录取通知:2023年4月中旬 费用:6000 美元(有奖学金) 申请资格:10-11年级 申请材料:数学问题Solution;推荐信(数学);高中成绩单; ...
Operation Code 2023 Detective Practice: Theft of the House Zoo Detective Adventure 「Primary School Summer Camp Consultation」 Contact Us: 18069117265 TA:Yan Primary Bridging Summer Camp With summer just around the corner, primary bridging children are facing the crucial challenge. In response to the...
As the 2023 Concordia Summer Camp approached the end, the children learned step by step in colourful-themed courses, gained a great deal of fresh knowledge, and grew up happily from their points of interest. Meanwhile, Concordia is looking forward to the children welcoming the new semester with...
https://www.bu.edu/summer/high-school-programs/rise-internship-practicum/ SSP - Summer Science Program 申请难度:★★★ 申请截至日期:暂未公布,将于 12 月开放 适合年龄:11-12年级 项目及时间(2023参考): 天体物理学I: 6月11日-7月19日(北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校) 天体物理...
2023 NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp August 7–12,2023 NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp August 7–12,2023 The National School of Development at Peking University and the Baruch MFE Program are pleased to announce a one-week virtual Summer Camp, exclusive for NSD students and alumni, Peking University st...
Intense training and valuable camaraderie at the 2023 IBU-IOC Summer Camp from June 2 to June 11 in Ruhpolding, Germany. Last week marked the conclusion of this year's IBU-IOC Summer Camp, hosted by the International Biathlon Union (IBU). 31 athletes and 16 coaches from 16 different nationa...