一场科学发现之旅即将启程, KLIS 2023 STEAM&PBL夏令营为你而来! KLIS夏令营自开办以来,收获来自孩子及家长无数好评。今年暑期我们更将STEAM & PBL 夏令营焕新升级,招生范围延展至KG年级(Kingdergarten,美国学制中的小学第一年,即国内的学前班)。两周时间中孩子们将沉浸式体验多项新鲜有趣的项目,收获成长与全新的...
2023 summer 在高尔夫训练结束后,同学们还会参加两场高尔夫球赛,检验自己这段时间的学习成果。在“2023锶百睿青少年高尔夫巡回赛”暨北京爱迪“学校杯”南山站和师生分组赛大连站的巡回比赛中,同学们都尽力发挥自己最好的一面。 在已经结束的2023锶百...
Our 2023 Summer Camp Dates are: Girls weeks July 10-14 July 24-28 Combo boys & girls week August 14-18 REGISTER HERE Questions or additional info: CONTACT KRISTEN SOMOGYI 732.485.6470 ksomog3899@yahoo.com Take a quick look at our photos from previous years of camp, we had so much fun...
2023 USAF YOSHIMITSU YAMADA SHIHAN MEMORIAL SUMMER CAMP Click here to register for camp United States Aikido Federation Contact: Laura Pavlick Director of Operations Follow usaikifed@gmail.com 860-567-2416 ©2021 by United States Aikido Federation. All site photo credits: Jaime Kahn and Javier ...
12.(8分)Summer Camp 2023 Music / Games /Movies Ages 7- 12 C A M P Food Included9: 00 a. m.-4: 00 p.m.every day Week 1: July 10 - 16Week 2: July 17 -23Place: Hengdian World Place: Chinese Space Museum Theme: Hollywood Week Theme: science and technology week Cost: 850...
Summer Camp: Regie: Josh Yunis Mit Joey King, Nolan Gould, Mychala Lee, Sierra McCormick CAMP, eine Mischung aus Komödie und Drama, ist eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte, in deren Mittelpunkt eine Gruppe von Teenagern steht, die in ihrem letzten Jahr in e
传统意义上的夏令营(Summer Camp)以培养兴趣特长,学习新技能,户外运动为主,课堂学习的成分很少。 但此次英伦云小2023年的夏令营添加了针对国际生的学科学习项目,目的就是为了让孩子的学习体验更立体,更贴合英国私校的真实教学情况。 英国夏令营也有【...
Need to enroll 4 weeks or more (one week of half day camp is considered half week in this calculation). Expire by June 1st, 2023. 3. Sibling Discount: 5% off for all other than first kid of the same family on a lesser tuition. 4. Group-buy Discount:$50 off for each student in ...
新华公学高尔夫夏令营,助力孩子成为高素养、高学养的杰出公民。通过高尔夫专项体能、数据化人工智能高尔夫、真草练习、模拟竞标赛球场9洞下场,科学分析小球手运动指标。 项目信息 开营期数 5天/期,共2期 第一期7月3日-7月7日 第二期7月10日-7月14日 ...
Operation Code 2023 Detective Practice: Theft of the House Zoo Detective Adventure 「Primary School Summer Camp Consultation」 Contact Us: 18069117265 TA:Yan Primary Bridging Summer Camp With summer just around the corner, primary bridging children are facing the crucial challenge. In response to the...