ICN Business School offers 3 summer schools to enable you to boost your language level quickly and efficiently, while having fun.
Medicine Summer School Business Summer School Engineering Summer School Law Summer School Software Development Summer School Film Academy Sustainability & the Environment English as a Foreign Language All Courses Oxford Royale Why Oxford Royale? Accreditations ...
没有联系过教授),但还是很想来纽约生活一段时间,所以那时候看了几个summer school的项目信息,但碍于费用小高(后面会讲下费用这块),所以最后没有申请任何summer school,只是拿着美国B2旅游签跑来纽约旅居了两个月(这部分生活去年的日记里有记录)。
没有联系过教授),但还是很想来纽约生活一段时间,所以那时候看了几个summer school的项目信息,但碍于费用小高(后面会讲下费用这块),所以最后没有申请任何summer school,只是拿着美国B2旅游签跑来纽约旅居了两个月(这部分生活去年的日记里有记录)。
项目:Summer Programs for High School Students (高中学生暑期项目) 课程类型 艺术和创造性写作;大学预备;建筑、设计、城市;科学、工程、数学;商业和经济;法律和冲突处理;计算机;社会科学和人文科学。 时间(3周) 第一期:6月25日-7月13日 第二期:7月17日-8月3日 费用 本年度费用将于2018年1月公布 2017年费...
本项目Summer Programs For High School Student由哥伦比亚大学主办。作为对所有在读高中生开放的夏季学术...
Summer school programs for bachelor, master students and young professionals in Business. Short educational courses in California and Toronto.
Students also createand bring home an action plan, attempting to resolve a long-term issue that they care about.Leadership in the Business WorldRising high school seniors interested inn exploring undergraduate business administration and leadership are encouraged to apply to this program, sponsored ...
Apply for either one, two, or all three modules to be part of the unique summer school experience at Mannheim Business School. For students of the Mannheim Master in Management program: Please do not use the interactive form below to apply! Instead, send an email to ...
学校官网:https://globalyouth.wharton.upenn.edu/summer-high-school-programs/leadership-in-the-business-world/ M&TSI(宾大管理和科技夏令营) The Management & Technology Summer Institute 该夏校由沃顿商学院等赞助,由宾夕法尼亚大学教授和成功企业家授课。旨在培养高中理工科学生的领导力,在沃顿商学院教授和工...