Current challenges within scholarly publishing, e.g., with research integrity, trust, and research assessment, have much to do with the old ways of doing things. To move science forward, new technologies and innovations, like the decentralized web, FAIR digital objects, and blockchain...
Robotics and Autonomous Systemswill carry articles describing fundamental developments in the field ofrobotics, with special emphasis onautonomous systems. An important goal of this journal is to extend the state of the art in bothsymbolicandsensorybasedrobot controlandlearningin the context of autonomous...
Lastly, a central aspect of the game lies in harnessing the elemental power of Primalis Crystals to summon the Vesperians. These formidable creatures are not just allies in combat, but also assist in research and exploration. With upgradeable abilities, they can adapt and grow more powerful alon...