I curved and twisted my body. I begged for him to impregnate me, and at the peak of his pleasure I screamed out loud. But all along I was pretending. And I haven't seen him since then. It's that simple. “Pygmalion's Bride” Themes Male Desire, Dominance, and Control In “...
Gain a complete understanding of “An Anonymous Girl” by Greer Hendricks from Blinkist. The “An Anonymous Girl” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
With a heavy heart, Giovanni descends into the garden, his love for Beatrice twisted into bitterness. He accuses her of infecting him with her poison, his words cutting deep. Beatrice, heartbroken, insists she believed he was safe so long as he refrained from direct contact. She vehemently ...
William Shakespeare's comedyA Midsummer's Night Dreamtells the twisted and humorous tale of four love-swept Athenian youths, a bickering fairy king and queen, a royal wedding, and a rambunctious group of men aspiring to perform in the roles of their lifetimes. ...
Gain a complete understanding of “Dream Factory” by Brad Barkley, Heather Hepler from Blinkist. The “Dream Factory” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
Their lives become intertwined as they navigate the challenges and hardships of the war, and the novel explores themes of love, morality, and the impact of war on ordinary people. The book is beautifully written and weaves together the stories of Marie-Laure and Werner in a way that explores...
The Love of a Good Woman The Luck of Roaring Camp The Lumber Room The Man Higher Up The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg The Man Who Was Almost a Man The Man of the Crowd The Man with the Twisted Lip The Masque of the Red Death
Single Personalities are actually a minority when it comes to Gauntlet Knights, and there are cases where someone falls in love with one personality of a CPP and their other personality starts to hate them; this often happens when one of the partners is a Single Personality. Stan figures that...
He is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing, seemingly harmless, but actually evil and bloodthirsty, stopping at nothing to achieve his goal of claiming the Baskerville fortune. In an attempt to murder Sir Charles, Stapleton pretends to be a single, lonely man, falling in love with Mrs. Laura...
His rivalry with Palomides for the love of Iseult, and his friendship with Lamorak on the Isle of Servage. [ Expanded summary of Le Morte d’Arthur Book 8 ] Book 9 – The adventures of Breunor le Noire: his shield quest as La Cote Male Taile. Tristram returns to Cornwall, goes mad...