Just become intensely conscious of the present moment. This is a deeply satisfying thing to do. In this way, you draw consciousness away from mind activity and create a gap of no-mind in which you are highly alert and aware but not thinking. This is the essence of meditation. About 80 ...
Die to the past every moment. You don’t need it. Only refer to it when it is absolutely relevant to the present. Feel the power of this moment and the fullness of Being. Feel your presence. Eckhart Tolle The whole essence ofZenconsists in walking along the razor’s edge of Now — ...
On the International Museum Day of May 18, 2022, the museum was free to the public and received nearly 1,800 visitors, a reminder of “the power of a museum”. In June, 2022, the720° Online Panoramic Exhibition Hallwas launched after month long preparations. It gave online audiences an...
78 viii About this document z/OS Debugger combines the richness of the z/OS environment with the power of Language Environment® to provide a debugger for programmers to isolate and fix their program bugs and test their applications. z/OS Debugger gives you the capability of testing ...
A professional summary gives the hiring manager a quick overview of yourskillsand achievements without them having to dive into the rest of your resume. It sits at the top of your resume, beneath your name and contact information. You can think of it as ateaser for the rest of your resume...
This month, we’ve introduced new support for indentation to your text box visuals in Power BI! Now, using the increase and decrease indent buttons in the formatting popup next to the text box, you can adjust the indentation of specific lines of your text boxes. You can also use the Tab...
Anothersetofmethods DivideRead Reread OnesentenceatatimeWriteathesisstatementReadytowrite Divide Firstoff,skimthetextyouaregoingtosummarizeanddivideitintosections.Focusonanyheadingsandsubheadings.Alsolookatanybold-facedtermsandmakesureyouunderstandthembeforeyouread.Read Nowthatyou’veprepared,goaheadandreadthe...
We never quite know when we become 1) _ or 2) _ in the rose garden of some local cemetery 3、. So theres no point in putting our dreams 3) _ until 4) _ arrives. Now is the time to do what we want to do. 5) _ our short stay and 6) _ with the riches on offer so that...
Welcome to the September 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce a variety of new features such as hierarchical axis by default, translations for composite models, mobile formatting options general availability and cross tenants’ datasets sharing. Ther