Summary of Unit 2(Recession-proofing your career) In the text, the author firstly tries to tell us that guaranteed jobs have already become history and it’s high time to engage in a lifelong, self-monitoredprocesswhich can help to promote and prepare oneself for a change, esp. during peri...
Last,the author believes that the type of exercise doesn’t matter too much,more important is the ability to sustain an exercise routine. I accept his view of attitude towards exercise. What we concerned is not the form,but to do or not to do. Nowadays,most of us spend too much time ...
thebodygivesuslotsofreasonswhyweneedliessometimes,suchasinordertomaintainthesta bilityofsociety,rulingthereligionetc.Iwasimpressedbythesentence— “Artisaliethattellsthetruth”.ifsomeoneisnotwillingtoadmithe/shehavetoldlies,thefact sitselfisalie.Peoplemusthavetoldliesfordifferentreasonsandindifferentenvironmentsin...
mustlearnfromthosesetbacksandusethemtoyouradvantagesinthe future. Finally,acttypeA,thinktypeB,thatisthinkingandrecognizing yourselfonceagainandagain.Itseemsacyclefromknowingyourselfto recognizeonceagaininthewholecareerlife. Nowadays,withthefast-shiftingoftheeconomic,wearereallyallliving ...
Love everything you guys do. Have learned a lot through IBD products. Wish you the best!Thanks so much, Kulwant! hows Zoom lookinglive answered I have 5 accounts, 4 different retirement accounts and a taxable acct... should the allocations of 7-15 stocks be ...
bigger the better. To understand this attitude,we must look at the way the author how writes the passage. The author began the essay by telling the fact that although people usually have many negative views about lies,but we tell lies form time to time. Then the body gives us lots of ...
英语下册summary 1.“The End of Something", by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it. Hemingway uses this story to convey how this change happens all the time, and however desperately you cling to the "...
And also, we embedded the internet technologies and the know-hows with TTP and together with Ping An we empowered TTP. So actually, in this room, there’s something historical happened which is we achieve breakeven in this June. So, this is a very successful experience, which we believe we...
To prevent evil, the author of this article argues, we must first know what is truly“evil”, and then find social forces that may activate destructive potentials. On the basis of knowing what's“evil”, the author offer some hows to teach our children at the end....
Then the body gives us lots of reasons why we need lies sometimes,such as in order to maintain the stability of society,ruling the religion etc. I was impressed by the sentence—“Art is a lie that tells the truth”.if someone is not willing to admit he/she have told lies,the facts...