The history of reform as a research subject has been firmly established, and there have been many big breakthroughs in the study of the history of reform. Research in this field has a bright future.关键词: history of China's reform summary contemporary historiography ...
Brief summary of the history of evolution of school education in the Ganzi Tibetan region.Presents information on education in schools in the Ganzi Tibetan region in China. History of the Nationality Autonomous Perfecture in Sichuan Province; Development of education in the province; Details the ...
Shen Shunnian, vice president of the China knitted Industrial Association and President of the warp knitting Association, introduced the original intention of the event and reviewed the history of China's warp knitting Wanli activities. The activities started in Beijing in May 18, 2012. They went ...
中国近现代史纲要中篇综述(AsummaryoftheoutlineofChinese modernandcontemporaryhistory) Turningupsidedownforthirtyyears 1,underwhatageconditionsdidChina'snewdemocratic revolutiondevelopanddevelopintheinternational environment?WhatimpactdoesthishaveonthecauseofChina's revolution? (1)theconditionsforthedevelopmentofChina...
history of China.The article summarizes the research make by economic circle of China on the investment related with industrialization,urbanization,the change of the investment and finance,the course of investment,the local investments,the foreign investments,investment rates,and efficiency and fluctuation...
The Chinese Civil War (1945–49) was a military struggle waged between the Nationalists (Kuomintang) under Chiang Kai-shek and the communists under Mao Zedong. The conflict led to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.
QING dynasty, China, 1644-1912MONGOLSHISTORICAL chronologyPERSONAL names"The Precious Summary: A History of the Mongols from Chinggis Khan to the Qing Dynasty" is a Mongolian chronicle written by Sagang Sechen in 1662. It was widely read and translated into Manchu and Chinese b...
home - History of DMC - Summary of DMCSummary of DMC2020/8/3 | views: Co-operative Media We also organize Show Daily published by Co-operative Exhibition Organizers: China Die and Mould Industry Association (CDMIA) Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai (CCPIT) ...
Themes like history of the life of the populace, history of cultural mood and beliefs, interaction between the state, the society and the people have drawn intensified concerns from researchers. 展开 关键词: contemporary China social and cultural history summary of studies ...
Knowing that you are a big fan of history and that you are setting out to explore China,I can’t wait to recommend Xi’an to you. Xi’an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, lies in the northwest of China. Places of interest ...