China at the close of the Han dynasty domination.It vividly depicts the evolving struggles that shaped the Chinese history and behaviour later.Though the author did invent events and attributed them to some characters to make them either heroic or evil,most Chinese people take the story as ...
history.But the research from the angle of cultural approval is rare to find.The researches on folk Belief in Qin Han Dynasty achieved a lot during the recent 30 years,but there still exists many problems.So the future researches should be deepened and combined with other sciences' theory and...
the characteristics of Han People's culture shaping and carry much information of folk culture.Up to now,researches on Game Fu in Han Dynasty mainly involve origins of the genre and its cultural value.Only few are about the emendation and the instruments,which can be objectives of further ...
2) A Study on Affix in the Ancient Chinese 古汉语词缀研究3) Study on the Affix in Modern Chinese 近代汉语词缀研究4) STUDY ON AFFIXES IN CONTEMPORARY CHINESE 现代汉语词缀研究 例句>> 5) The Summary of Grammer Research in the Han Dynasty 两汉语法研究综述6) The Study of Prosody in ...
6) Theory of Changes in Han Dynasty 汉代易学 例句>> 补充资料:汉易 1.汉代《易》学。汉《易》有今古文之分。西汉今文《易》主要有施雠﹑孟喜﹑梁丘贺﹑京房四家,专讲阴阳﹑灾异及谶纬。东汉盛行古文费氏《易》,以郑众﹑马融﹑荀爽﹑郑玄为代表,专讲象数﹑消息﹐以论人事吉凶。其中,郑玄注《易》,...
Research on the Integration of the Style of Literature from the Mountains-and-Waters Prose in the Northern and Southern Dynasties Commentary on the Waterways Classic of Li Daoyuan from the North Wei Dynasty and the Mountains-and-Waters prose represented by Jun Wu from the Liang ... DU Pei-Xi...
In thousands of years of Chinese history, Korea had a close relationship with China. From the Western Han Dynasty, the country of Korea Pen was a vassal state of China. Most Korean culture came from China. So it is very normal that many people of Korea have the same surnames as Chinese...
West King (Sima Zhong) - Chinese history in the true sense of the subjugation of the king 19. the Emperor (Sima Rui) - the first emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty 20. Jin Xiao Wu Emperor (Sima Yao) - Chinese history die the most cowardly Emperor 21. sixteen in the Han Emperor (...
Underneath the transform of contemporary education philosophy,there comes the Existential Turn. 古希腊教育哲学孕育了丰富的当代教育哲学生存论转向的理论资源,无论是苏格拉底的“反讽”、柏拉图的“idea”还是亚里士多德的“形式”,都体现了一种“理性”与“生存”的张力平衡,但他们的教育哲学生存论开启并不彻底,...