Orlando, the omnisexual hero-heroine of the story, is played throughout byTilda Swinton, who is definitely a woman and not particularly androgynous; her obvious femininity is explained in an early scene by a reference to the male fops and dandies of Elizabeth’s reign, who in their fashions...
and continuing through the first year of college. It was intended originally to be a 30-minute short, but as the filmmakers followed their two subjects, they realized this was a much larger, and longer story. And so we are allowed to watch the subjects grow up during...
“Marvin & Tige” is a movie that has been so completely overtaken by tragic events that it is impossible to view it in the spirit in which it was made. It tells the story of a friendship between two survivors: an 11-year-old black street kid and an alcoholic middle-aged white bum. ...
Redford and Gandolfini are two reasons the movie plays so well. Redford, because he does what’s expected, as a calm, strong, unbreakable leader. Gandolfini, because he does what is not expected, and creates not simply a villain, but a portrait of a type that is so nuanced, so compellin...
airplanes after them. There are a few clever nods to another national obsession—documenting every aspect of our lives for posterity later and virality now—through a mostly found footage structure and the visual effects are surprisingly strong throughout, but the complete lack of interesting ...