To solve this problem, God decides to strike fear in the heart of man and to revolutionise his lifestyle by creating laws and empowering a chosen group of people, who will spread the word of God by example. These people are the Hebrews, and Abraham is the father of their race, the ...
Hebrews 8Darby Translation 8 Now a summary of the things of which we are speaking [is], We have such a one high priest who has sat down on [the] right hand of the throne of the greatness in the heavens; 2 minister of the holy places and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord ...
1 Now a summary of the things of which we are speaking is, We have such a one high priest who has sat down on the right hand of the throne of the greatness in the heavens; 2 minister of the holy places and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched, and not man. 3 ...
With the discovery of texts from ancient civilizations, many people have come to believe that various texts are common to one another. Examples of these texts are the creation stories from the Hebrews found in the Bible, The Hymn of Ra from the Egyptians, and the Enuma Elish stories from th...
Ten Commandments to Moses) until a new generation would be ready to enter the Promised Land of Canaan. The books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy discuss the relationship between God and His chosen people, the Hebrews, and give details of the Law that regulated almost every aspect of Hebrew life....
When God gives Israel the Ten Commandments, he frames them by stating his relationship to the Hebrews. This verse sums up the themes of Exodus nicely: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” (Ex 20:2) ...
Although there is some uncertainty about the details of Luther’s academic teaching, it is known that he offered courses on several biblical books—two on the book ofPsalms—as well as onSt. Paul’sepistles to theRomans, theGalatians, and theHebrews. From all accounts Luther was a stimulatin...
Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible. The English title is a translation of the Septuagint (Greek) title referring to the numbering of the tribes of Israel in chapters 1–4. The book is basically the sacred history of the Israelites as they wandered in
“If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness...
The Bible story of Elijah is from the first book of Kings, describing his miraculous feats and redemption of the people of Israel from the evil king Ahab. Similar to the life of Jesus, Elijah performs marveling acts to demonstrate the validity of God to