作者: USCFD Control 关键词: Family Planning Centers Family Planning Clinic Attendance Research Report Contraceptive Methods Chosen Family Planning Acceptor Characteristics Health Facilities Delivery of Health Care Health Family Planning Program Evaluation Family Planning Programs 年份: 1973 收藏...
A case study of the approach adopted in the University of Surrey is provided. 1. 展开 关键词: Summary Report Family Planning Surveys Fertility Surveys Fertility Child Mortality Family Planning Contraceptive Usage Developing Countries Fertility Measurements Population Dynamics DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-...
Family Planning SurveysFertility SurveysFertilityChild MortalityFamily PlanningContraceptive UsageDeveloping CountriesFertility MeasurementsPopulation DynamicsFor an overview of the structure of Liber Secundus and the method followed by Jan de Witt, we refer the reader to the Introduction, Section 1.10....
In 1972 1632746 individuals made 2479617 visits to public family planning clinics according to the National Reporting System for Family Planning Services of the National Center for Health Statistics. More than 25% of the women receiving services were teen-agers and over 50% were in their most acti...
1、略读全文,结合文章特点,划出重要论点 2、简要概括,缩短关键语句,连接逻辑论点 3、最终成文,换词...
A workgroup meeting on the use of family history information in pediatric primary care and public health sponsored by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was held February 24 to 25, 2006. The workgroup participants met...
Easy Steps to Write a Position Paper How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples How to Address Envelopes for College Recommendation Letters How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers
of discomfort or weakness to work alone. 第五步:检查 和试卷“答案”相比,范文(1)在覆盖要点的基础上,更追求“像一篇文章”。具体而言就是遵循了三个“结构公式”。例如: (一)开头: Many companies advocate open offices to... (二)持续: But
The LinkedIn summary, also referred to as the LinkedIn bio or LinkedIn About section, is a few paragraphs of text that appears right before a LinkedIn user’s list of current and prior roles. LinkedIn gives a limit of up to 2,000 words, but only the first three lines are visible before...
Then it shows the main obstacles to the application of DSM in China. In the conclusion, the paper prospects the application of DSM according to the situation of China and gives some solutions to get over the obstacles.关键词: integrated resource planning DSM cost benefit analysis ...