The first chapter of “Start With Why” dives into the assumptions we make and the impact they have on our actions. Sinek gives examples of scenarios where looking at the bigger picture can shape your behavior towards driving long-term results. Take the classic example of American car manufactu...
AUGUST 10, 2021 3-Star learning experiencesSummaryof research on the value of telling learners the objectives at the beginning of training. First Principles of Instructionsummary• M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN A 12-part series on Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction. Learning objectives...
Many of the NB-IoT use cases require a low device price, not just in order to have a positive business case for the service operation, but also due to practical aspects such as ease of installation or risk of theft. In summary, there are strong market trends pointing at growing demand ...
A vaccine effectiveness of 40% means that the vaccine reduces the risk of infection by 40% (in this case compared to those with monovalent vaccinations). The bivalent effectiveness in those over 65 was similar to those 50-64 and not statistically different between Kraken and other Omicron. The...
This presentation is about the costs of dissatisfied customers. The authors investigate the main sources of customer in... The Impact of CRM on Financial Performance of Business Building a Business Case for CRM Although some practical guidelines have appeared on how to design and implement customer...
Instead of treating each factory build or new model introduction as a standalone effort, car companies attempt to standardize wherever they can, making changes only where there is a clear business case to do so. 5. Pursue sustainable logistics solutions Energy companies have both an opportunity ...
In academic literature there is a mention of at least two more types of developing strategy considered a midddle way bet... Virtual IntegrationDell’s Direct Model CaseVirtual Integration provides economic benefits of two very different business models: it offers the advantages of a tigh... ...
Principal Asset Management – Form CRS – Client Relationship Summary – March 27, 2024 Principal Global Investors, LLC ("PGI", "us", "we" or "our"), doing business as Principal Asset Management (Principal AM) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("...
We believe that this approach is not only unique in the marketplace, but also offers our readers a perspective that can be applied to almost any operational business model. Indeed, we applied our model to 3 specific case scenarios of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle ("FCEV") use today – ...
Gain a complete understanding of “Statistical Rethinking” by Richard McElreath from Blinkist. The “Statistical Rethinking” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.