Bohemian Rhapsody tells the story of the band Queen and their iconic frontman Freddy Mercury (Rami Malek). A biographical musical drama, Bohemian Rhapsody follows the meteoric rise of Queen from their formation in 1970 and chronicles some of the creative and personal differences that the band was...
Queen: Bohemian rhapsody- queen as one of the most well known band world wide, this is their most famous song, and the reflection of the band. Gorgeous music! The song start from the lyric song to opera style then to a hard rock style, includes the different styles persented bu the ba...
NBC Special), Lady Sings the Blues, Schachmatt, Nasty Girl, Too Many Times, The Siamese Cat Song, Fuck You With the Lights On, She's a Mystery to Me (with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra), Hurt me Once, 365, Sparrow, Bohemian Rhapsody / Killer Queen / The March of the Black Queen...
Te lo pido por favor, Prom Queen, Tributo a Grupo Límite (live), In the Heat of the Night, Sabor a chocolate, Younger Than Springtime, Can't Tame Her, Be My Baby, Till I'm Too Old to Die Young, Party Time, Bohemian Rhapsody, Meuda, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?,...
Prince Poppycock: The operatic singer said he grew up always feeling out of place, and that Americas support in the competition made him feel like they were creating a place for him to belong. He gave his take on Queens Bohemian Rhapsody. Howie said this was his night and that Prince ...