summary 翻译 summary 翻译基本解释 ●summary:总结,概要
Achebe gives us detailed descriptions of Igbo traditions, customs, and beliefs. Memory is an important theme; here, this study guide uses memory as a broad term covering all documentary-style descriptions of Igbo life. By the end of the novel, the reader realizes that the account he has just...
Th e question of book or Nook, of novel or Kindle, of ink or e-ink, is a real question thes e days, which is fitting sinc e it is a question relating to a degre e of reality. The situation is on e based simply upon th e differenc e between th e physical and digital ...
The main point in George Orwell's "1984" revolves around the dangers of totalitarianism and the suppression of individual freedom. Set in a dystopian future where the ruling Party exerts complete control over every aspect of society, including language, history, and thought, the novel portrays a...
Some critics have noted that the collection of poems develops as a sort of “novel”, breaking style only a few times, most famously with the elegy on Tibellus’ death in Elegy IX of Book 3. Like many other poets before him, Ovid’s poems in the “Amores” often centre on a ...
(1) subject: through the description of the elderly in the road to flee home animal care, revealing the evil of war, calling back the human nature and love.(2) artistic features:A. B. describes the simple implication the child is father of the man.2. "the mark on the wall" Woolf (...
We are glad to answer any of your questions. Our experts can provide you with a more in-depth analysis ofMoby Dickso that you have no trouble tackling any assignment in this novel. Need help with other literary works? Send us a message and our customer support staff will put you in tou...
Perhaps, the poem hints, the speaker hates Brother Lawrence so very much because Brother Lawrence really isn’t any of the nasty things the speaker is: lustful, prissy, cruel. The speaker’s loathing for Brother Lawrence thus emerges from hypocritical self-deceit. There’s nothing so hateful ...
Have you ever become so engaged in what you’re doing at work that you lose track of time? What work activity(ies) bring that on? What’s something you do for fun that uses the same or similar skills you use at work? Is there any work task(s) you’d do even if...