Full time series of religiosity trends from 1980 to 2020 were imputed for the 110 countries using the same methods as developed for the earlier analyses (see endnote a). The updated trends are generally similar to those previously posted (see here), except for the USA. The revised data for...
The C-Series is a family of narrow-body, twin-engine, medium range jet liners which, despite some challenges in orders, remains a committed product line. It is designed for the 100-150 seat market, which is about 20,000 aircraft globally and represents about $250 billion in revenue over...
Since Colombia's independence from Spain in the early 19th century, Colombia has seen a series of civil wars and secessions (Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama the last coming rather conveniently at a time when the U.S. was prepared to pay millions for a canal through its nation preparation ...
The carbonate rocks of the Antigua Formation have been regarded as the reference series for the marine Oligocene of the Western Hemisphere since the pioneering work on Antigua (Fig. 1) by Vaughan (1919). Vaughan's work and sub-sequent additions to or comparisons with it have consisted largely...
SUMMARY摘要小结.DOC,SUMMARY摘要 1. The trade regimes of Switzerland and Liechtenstein remain generally open, except in agriculture, which continues to be protected with high import tariffs levied on sensitive products. Switzerland and Liechtenstein conti
aNowadays, the harmfulness of fake commodities attracts more and more our attention. The fake commodities, such as tonyred, poisonous milk and so on, might result in a series of problems. It will exert a disastrous effect on our lives, making people's healthy condition impaired, and it would...
and the killer steals his identity, so he must be a person so unhappy to be himself that he has to step into a series of other lives. A moment’s reflection might have informed him that his victims, were they not dead, would be keeping up with him chronologically, but maybe, you kno...
which he presented in the last of his Five Pieces for piano, Op 23 completed in 1923. In this composition, all the twelve tones in the chromatic scale are organized in a series in which no one tone is to be used again before all the other eleven have been played. My personal thoughts...
“Family Honor” is the first novel of the “Sunny Randall” series written by Robert B. Parker and was released in the year 1999. When Sunny Randall takes a case from a wealthy family so that she can find their lost teenage daughter, 1033 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More Who Is...
Born to two Jewish parents as one of ten children-- four girls and six boys in all-- in Munkachevo, Czechoslovakia around the year 1923, her world changed in early April 1944 when she and her family were transferred to a Jewish ghetto. For the next year, Irene's life was a series ...