In this essay, we will explore 10 examples of English summaries that demonstrate best practices and techniques. Example 1: Book Summary The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a powerful novel that explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the complex relationships between fathers and sons. The ...
In the essay “Preparing for Your First Job Interview,” author Jim Sweeny gives advice to recent graduates who are interviewing for their first job. Specifically, he says that there are things they can do to prepare for the in...
Overall, its trustworthy to read this essay considering the profession of the author.For the second article: 1) As we all know, NRA has a complicated rep 18、utation and influence around the America. Almost everyone interested in guns issue takes care of its movements. Therefore, an essay ...
–Identify the title and author 如果有Abstract的话,可以基于abstract 2)Supporting sentences –总结main points 这部分基于文中的main headings和sub-headings ?注意:Follow the same order as original,尽量和原文顺序保持一致,如果原文的chronological order不正确,可以在summary进行调整完善。
规则1 : 用标题突出读者可以记住的问题或中心思想 标题是论文的第一个元素,因为读者最先看到论文的标题...
SUMMARY 的最常见格式是总分总开头笼统的介绍以下,给读者一个大概的概念,然后分段 总结这个你好总结的东东的各个方面关键看你要写多少字,概括的是什么,再决定中间这部分是分小段还是一大段内,分开概括最后就是总结了 有的时候你会感觉总结和开
The essay/passage/author argues that we must not only value those who come first or are the best in any field but the others whose effort push them tosuccess. The essay/passage/author discusses the impact of email. The passage/author compares friendship with the comfort of home. ...