Summary Care Record API This is a RESTful HL7® FHIR® API specification for theTemplate API. specification/ThisOpen API Specificationdescribes the endpoints, methods and messages exchanged by the API. Use it to generate interactive documentation; the contract between the API and its consumers. ...
呼叫摘要日志提供有关通过 ACS 进行的呼叫的概述。 呼叫中的每个参与者都有一个日志,日志包含有关通话持续时间、单个参与者持续时间、参与者类型(例如 VoIP、PSTN 等)的信息,以及所使用的 OS 版本或 ACS 平台的 SDK 版本等终结点信息。 表属性 展开表 Attribute值 资源类型 microsoft.communication/communicationser...
Tool Search:CO Immunization Summary The Health ImmunizationCompliance Summary Report for Colorado provides a summary of immunization compliance broken out by grade, compliance status, and exemptions with totals for all vaccines selected and each individual vaccine withrules. ...
toTranscriptsare also needed. This allows users toselect the credit total for a Credit Type (under the Total column) and view detailed data for the courses the student took tied to that Credit Type. This is a separate tool right because the data view is the student's transcript record. ...
Summary - Video The Summary tool provides access to demographic and contact information for a student.
WPA+PSK, WPA2+PSK, WPA-WPA2+PSK/WPA+802.1X (EAP), WPA2+802.1X (EAP), WPA-WPA2+802.1X (EAP), and Portal+PSK It is applicable to agile distributed WLANs that require high network stability but do not require high throughput, for example, healthcare scenarios. ...
The Estonian patient access called "Patient Portal" shares similarities with the French system "Dossier Medical Personnel" (DMP). Both are patient-controlled records. The English system "Summary Care Record" (SCR) provided access to patients through "HealthSpace, "though has now been replaced by ...
Future Care Costing Evaluation Conclusion Records Required Medical Records Medical & Billing Records How It Works Submission Place order via My.Ontellus portal. Select desired level of service; Identify records to be included; Securely upload files not already in your Ontellus case repository. Pric...
_ResourceIdstringIdentificatore univoco della risorsa a cui è associato il record. ResourceProviderstring ResourceTypestring SourceComputerIdstring SourceSystemstringTipo di agente da cui è stato raccolto l'evento. Ad esempio,OpsManagerper l'agente Windows, la connessione diretta o Operations Manager...
Name, gender, and race/ethnicity information reports from the student's current identity record reports. Sorting Logic The following logic applies to the selected Sort Options: OptionLogic Alphabetic Students print in alphabetical order by Last Name, First Name, Middle Name. Students who may have ...