of various options, summaries summary, finally I have optimized a set of the design proposal of the compositions and the structural configuration reasonable, the low energy consumption, the low cost, the low pressure lose, the reasonable ventilation and thermal structure in the shell and so on. ...
A summary encapsulates the main points of a text or event, while a precis offers a concise, clear, and logical outline of a text, emphasizing its structure and arguments.
It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting...
LinkedIn uses the about section in its algorithm, as well as your LinkedIn headline, current title, and other factors. By writing a keyword-rich LinkedIn summary, you can become more visible to potential prospects and recruiters in search results. If you include keywords such as “content,”“...
From the above situation, it can be seen that when using written language, people hierarchically analyze texts in terms of meaning and language sense. Behind this lies a tree structure of concepts or propositions. The basic form of this tree structure is a single element at the upper level po...
Subtasks and summary tasks create structure, but they don't create task dependencies. You can include the project as a summary task. Learn how to show a project as a summary task in the task list. When you move or delete a summary task, Project moves ...
Structure and Subunit Topology of the \\{INO80\\} Chromatin Remodeler and Its Nucleosome Complex Summary INO80/SWR1 family chromatin remodelers are complexes composed of >15 subunits and molecular masses exceeding 1 MDa. Their important role in transcription and genome maintenance is exchanging the...
6、e original carefully and comprehend its meaning wholly and correctly.Consider the original article as a whole, not in isolated sentences.Steps of paraphrasingRead the original carefully aGrasping the central ideasIII. Techniques in summary writingGrasping the central ideasIII.Ways of condensationUse...
TextStructure •Writingstyle:apieceofargumentation•Aclear,reasoned,andlogicalwayofdemonstratingthatyourposition,belief,orconclusionisvalid.•Enoughevidenceshouldbegiventosupportyourarguments.Purposesofargumentation •topersuadepeopletoagreewithyourposition•todefendyourposition,toestablishitssoundnessevenifothers...