Summarizing in academic English refers to the process of condensing and presenting the key points, ideas, or arguments from a longer piece of text in a shorter and more concise form. It involves extracting the essential information and presenting it in a clear and organized manner. The goal of...
Clarify your preferred writing style. To do this, think about your audience. If you’re a student writing a research paper, you may want your summary style to be “academic” or “formal.” If you’re a professional using a summary tool on a sales report, you may want your summary sty...
The point of summarizing is to quickly share the main points of a long text so that the reader understands the ideas without having to read the entire thing. Summaries come in handy not just for academic writing, but also business writing, such as summarizing progress on a project orsummarizi...
Whentosummarize •SummarizeLONGsectionsofwork,likealongparagraph,pageorchapter.•Tooutlinethemainpointsofsomeoneelse'sworkinyourownwords,withoutthedetailsorexamples.•Toincludeanauthor'sideasusingfewerwordsthantheoriginaltext.•Tobrieflygiveexamplesofseveraldifferingpointsofviewonatopic.
As a student, it can be overwhelming to read and comprehend lengthy and complex academic materials. One of the crucial skills students must develop is summarizing.
Kwon, H., & Schallert, D. L. (2012, November). Patterns of cross-language usage when reading and summarizing academic text: What proficient biliterate readers do when encountering text in two languages. Paper presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego CA....
Chapter5 Summarizing 1.Whatisasummary?Asummaryisabriefrestatementoftheessentialthoughtofalongercomposition.Itreproduces(重现)thethemeoftheoriginalwithasfewwordsofyoursaspossible.Chapter5Summarizing 2.Typesofsummaryandtheirpurposes (1)Thereader’ssummary,whichyouwriteforyourself,isawayofunderstandingthetextyouare...
Being able to summarize succinctly is a valuable skill for academic, personal, and professional writing, and can be used for many purposes. For example, summaries can: convey a general idea give only necessary information shorten material reference material set up quoted material provide support ad...
(1992). The effects of summarization instruction on text comprehension of students with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 58(6), 508–516. Galloway, E. P., & Uccelli, P. (2019). Examining developmental relations between core academic language ...