SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 7 LATIN EDITION的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 7 LATIN EDITION的评论: feed: rss 2.0© 2005-2025, ...
Norm, Virtue and Information: Individual Behaviour and the Just Price in Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologica This paper aims at putting forward the analytical stake of the few passages that Thomas Aquinas devotes to prices and exchange, mainly in the Summa Theolog... A Lapidus - Post-Print 被引...
The proof for the necessary existent thatAvicenna presents in hisBook of theCure,which is the text that Latin scholars at this time would have known, startsfrom encounters with possible or‘contingent beings’.These are beingsthat didnot have to exist,and which cannot thereforebethe sourceoftheir...
’²⁰Although Chazan wasfollowedin hisrenderingbyotherscholars, suchas JeremyCohen,²¹Ibelievethattheirreadingismisleading,notonlybecausethetexthas‘disperdendi’andnot‘dispergendi’,thatis to say,Alexander of Hales,DoctorisirrefragabilisAlexandride Hales OrdinisminorumSummatheologica(SH)...
414.‘Prolegomena ad primumlibrumSummae Theologicae,’xxxvi:‘“communio boni non potest nisiduobus modis esse, scilicetvelper modum naturae—et haec estgeneratiovelproductiogenerati agenerante—velper modumvoluntatis—et haec est processioamoris ab amante”—necessario sequiturquod in divin...
Forthe editionof theSummaseeAlexander of Hales,DoctorisIr-refragabilisAlexandride Hales OrdinisminorumSummatheologica(SH), 4vols (Quaracchi: CollegiumS. Bonaventurae,1924–48).TheFormoftheBody315 isalso‘theactofthebody,’sothat‘thesoulistheprimeactofanaturalbodywhichhaslifeinpotency.’¹⁴In...