优等生称号也有不同的等级,以高低顺序为:最优异学业成绩(summa cum laude)、优异学业成绩(magna cum laude)和优等成绩(cum laude)。
The meaning of SUMMA CUM LAUDE is with highest distinction. How to use summa cum laude in a sentence.
What is Magna Cum Laude: The magna cum laude definition is With Great Honor. Scholars define magna cum laude meaning With Great Praise. Usually it means you had the second best grades. Frequent misspellings: magnum cum laude, magna cum laud, magna cumme laude, magna cun laude, graduated ...
“Cum laude” means “with honor.” It’s below both summa cum laude and magna cum laude, but it’s still a high distinction in higher education. Since every institution has its own criteria, cum laude eligibility varies widely. At the University of Kentucky, Knoxville, you need a 3.5–...
Cum laudeis a phrase used mainly in the United States, though it is found in other countries as well. It is Latin and literally means with praise. It is used by universities and colleges to set some graduates apart as having honors.Magna cum laudeis the next level up, meaning something ...
The term magna cum laude is also a Latin translation of "with great honor". It is awarded to the next tier of students to achieve a greater success academically than that of cum laude. These students fall into the category of the top 10% to 15% percentile among their peers. Always keep...
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Summa cum laudeindicates the greatest distinctionof three commonly used types of academic honors recognized in the United States, expressed in Latin. The other two aremagna cum laudeandcum laude, representing degrees earned "with great distinction" and "with distinction," respectively. The guidelines ...
Cum laude is a Latin term that translates to “with honor.” Magna cum laude means “with great honor,” and summa cum laude means “with the greatest honor."