So if you seek a solution to calculate a certain number within a given date range, the solution is the use of SUMIFS and SUMIF with Date Range in Google Sheets. This article is a step-by-step guide to finding the sum of cell values using theSUMIFandSUMIFSfunctions between two or more...
To sum values within a certain date range, use a SUMIFS formula with start and end dates as criteria. The syntax of theSUMIFS functionrequires that you first specify the values to add up (sum_range), and then provide range/criteria pairs. In our case, the range (a list of dates) will...
In the example below, the formula will count the rows where the date (column A) is within our set date range.Start date is in cell D2 End date is in cell E2 COUNTIFS FunctionWith the COUNTIFS function, there are 2 required arguments in its syntax:criteria_range1 - cells to check for...
Method 10 – Using the SUM and the SUMIFS Function with an Array Step 1: Enter the following formula in the output cell:G8. =SUM(SUMIFS(E5:E11,D5:D11,{"Jack","Nick"},C5:C11,">="&DATE(2021,11,1),C5:C11,"<="&DATE(2021,11,30))) D5:D11is the firstcriteria range,{“Jac...
If you need to evaluate the sum with a single criterion, you can use the SUMIF function instead of SUMIFS. Unless you use the Double-Quotes(““) outside a text value as range criteria, the function will return zero(0) instead of showing an error. Excel SUMIFS Function Example Download...
Example 4: SUMIFS function with multiple criteria and OR logic By default, the SUMIFS function only allows AND logic, but sometimes, you may need to sum cell values based on multiple criteria with OR logic in Excel. For example, if you have a range of data as below screenshot shown, to...
Select the sum range (the sales) as the third argument. =SUMIF(B2:B10,”New York”,C2:C10) Hit “Enter”. And there you have the total sales of New York City for all the months SUMIF with date criteria. So far we’ve learned how the SUMIF function works with a number and text...
3. Working With Date Conditions You can use the SUMIFS function to sum values basis date conditions. For example, if you have a set of columns with dates and want to find the total sales during a date range, you can use the formula to derive the result quickly. ...