I have a range of cells in the same row (B3:M3), some cells contain a number value and some with no number value. I would like to be able to calculate the...
Hi, I have a problem with my SUMIFS function =SOMME.SI.ENS(var_affectation;id.tourist;$I3;occurrence;J$2), the Var affectation has 220 line...
I am using the following formula to match data from two different spreadsheets. This works for the individual row but I need to do around a thousand...
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I run a commercial kitchen. I have set up a spreadsheet using sumifs to bring in required information. I am stuck on one formula. I want the sumif to read...
I have a spreadsheet which uses sumifs, but it seems that the results returned are not always correct. I am not sure how to attach the spreadsheet to this post so here are some screen grabs. It is odd because some results are correct and others are not. ...
Using sumifs function I am trying to take the sum based on 3 criteria which worked perfectly.I also have a condition such that out of the 3 criteria in some...
priddlelYou need to wrapSUMIFS()withSUM()function. Try- =SUM(SUMIFS(C2:C13,B2:B13,F2:F4,A2:A13,E2)) Otherwise you can useSUMPRODUCT()like =SUMPRODUCT((C2:C13)*(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B2:B13,F2:F4,0)))*(A2:A13=E2)) You can useFILTER()function if you haveMicrosoft 365. See...
Hi, I am trying to calculate a total sales figure of a product (CPNY-22-389) on a sheet "Images" - but I want only FOB incoterm sales, from sheet...