Sumif函数的使用方法 1、打开excel,选择单元格,点击FX,输入SUMIF,点击转到。2、选择SUMIF函数,点击确定,选择求和范围。3、点击Criteria,输入求和条件,这里以求和>60的数字为例,输入>60,点击确定即可。 # - 懂视于20240303发布在抖音,已经收获了213.1万个喜欢,来
深入解析SUMIF函数的高级应用:实现三个条件的复杂求和计算 在Excel中,SUMIF函数用于根据指定条件对范围内的单元格进行求和计算。在填写三个条件的SUMIF函数时,可以采取以下方法:一. SUMIF函数基本语法 =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])其中:range 是需要进行条件判断的范围。criteria 是要应用的条件。sum_...
Microsoft Excel has a special function to sum cells with multiple conditions - theSUMIFS function. This function is designed to work with AND logic - a cell is added only when all of the specified criteria are TRUE for that cell. In some situations, however, you may need to sum with mult...
在使用SUMIF函数填写三个条件时,需要按照以下格式填写:=SUMIFS(sum_range, range1, criteria1, range2, criteria2, range3, criteria3)sum_range:需要进行求和的范围。range1、range2、range3:分别为三个条件进行判断的范围。criteria1、criteria2、criteria3:分别为三个条件的筛选条件。注意事项 在使用SUMIF...
这种情况不能用SUMIF 如果用WPS2012或EXCEL2007,可用SUMIFS 不过,你是2003,可用下面公式:=SUMPRODUCT((C3:C100="Φ219×6.5")*(D3:D100=304),J3:j100)
Sum multiple columns with two or more criteria Excel Sum If: multiple columns, single criterion First off, let's get to know exactly what problem we are trying to solve. Suppose you have a table of monthly sales like shown below. Because it was consolidated from a number of regional report...
Excel's SUMIF function allows you to take the sum of a column or row of data conditional upon a particular criteria row.
它的语法结构是 SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]),这里面的参数可是各有各的门道。首先,“range” 就是条件区域,简单来说,就是咱们要在这片 “数据田” 里找符合条件的单元格,这个区域里的单元格可以是数字、名称、数组,或者是包含数字的引用,不过空值和文本值可就直接被忽略啦,不会参与后续计算。“cr...
Use SUMIF With Text Criteria for Multiple Ranges Adding numbers together in Microsoft Excel is abasic calculationthat can use the SUM function. What if you want to add those values but only if they meet certain conditions? This is when the SUMIF function comes in. ...
In Excel, sum values based on one or more criteria is a common task for most of us, the SUMIF function can help us to quickly sum the values based on one condition and the SUMIFS function help us to sum values with multiple criteria. This article, I will describe how to sum with on...